Sunday, January 19, 2014

   continued Chapter 2...{ closing } "Family"

The two families,gathering when they could, and so on and so forth. Five or so years have passed,as children became teenager's,and one little  tale rings  a bell. Ricky,and "Hollywood" we shall call him,my father's cousin,who was visiting,got into a dispute and were at odds prob over something infantile, I'm sure,and as a result Mr.C made them parade down the damn street in drag. Yes, dressed up in  a dress,not just in the house, or even in the yard,but down the Silver brook Road !! Not at all, alone as he made all wear them, and guess who was in the truck, just a honking,and carrying on? Yep, Mr.C, hootin & hollerin all the way.Every family on their  Road, was a witness to the humiliating tactic my grandfather had constructed, custom fit to keep the"girls" quiet, and I 'm told worked well,for the time being, of course.Now take notes parents,for that  over the top tatic holds no meaning, well for the three of them, for they still,TO THIS DAY, carry on like three mean ass kids, Be' be's kids don't even come close to the vicarious stunts that the "Three Amigo's" undertake in this, a time in they're lives that is so very close to retirement."Grown up's huh?  Not my family for a more recent tale pops off the press'es.I call this one "The Three Stooges".On a peaceful morning,  wind gently caress'es from the south,bit salty,as it is coming off the coast, as all three brother's were in my uncle Wimpy's boat,fresh shrimp in the  cooler,just purchased from Tucker's Boat Launch, just to the south east side of the  Port Of Houston Ship Channel,where the San Jacinto River dumps it's fair share of  fluid into  the bay.All set for a much deserved relaxing afternoon,as the trio make it to see each other only a couple times a year.Wimpy was at the helm of his newly purchased vessel,very nice and roomy I might add,Robbie was in the bow,as too equal out the weight,and Droopy was  seated next to Wimpy as they made the journey to Wimpy's secret fishing spot, where the Red Fish come to feed quite regularly , for we all would all limit out in a short time each outing.Wimpy, who was speeding ,supposedly, to my dad's account,caught a sudden draft,ripping droopy's favorite fishing hat of his balding scalp, tossing it  up into the air, finally came to rest in the aftermath of the wake directly behind them."Comon' wimpy, turn back n git my  hat, please", Droopy  say's,"No", Wimpy says,"I wanna Get to my spot, for anyone else get's there"."But that's my favorite fishin hat ,now GO GIT it"droopy replies, and a certain tone has now intruded into his pattern of speech.Wimpy was just  the day before, bragging about his new Motorola phone, explaining the little gadgets that were upon it, and to his dismay, was about to be a short lived life of a certain phone, for as droopy asked One last time," Wimpy,Go Git MY DAMN HAT" NO YOU GO GIT YOUR HAT' demands Wimpy,right bout then Robbie says"co'mon drew & Wimp"and Together, in unison,STAY OUT OF IT,it's tween US" they cut Robbie off as they continue to revert back into child-hood.{at this point Im wondering  just who in the hell is piloting the boat}Out of nowhere,Droopy, snatches the Poor defenseless Motorola  from the confined space of Wimpy's  shirt,and Wimpy let's go of the wheel,ensues"GIVE ME MY PHONE","GO GIT MY HAT",followed by "Give Back my phone" GIT MY HAT"at this time, Robbie swollen in only his little mule-lipped manner, prob, under his breath, muddling some sort of remarks,watches in disbelief  as Droopy toss'es the  victim into the dark  salt infected water,kaplunk as my dad says,as it sank away.Now imagine this, dear friend, from the out-side looking in,three gown men, in a 20 something foot  boat,arguing over a hat, phone,& the God giving right to a "peaceful" Sunday fishing  trip, now turned into the "Three Stooge's "version of" W.W.E." on Friday night "Smack Down".Needless to say they all would loose, Wimpy now at the controls of the boat, resuming role of "El Captian" lines up his water craft, perfectly, as the prop, begins in one instant it's blender style of revenge upon Droopy's favorite fishing hat,as the remnants,came blowing out behind them, as Wimpy just murdered the hat, as Droopy just did the phone as if  it was a witch in the Salem Witch Hunt! Droopy,laughing hysterically for the drowning of the "witch",Wimpy, for the "blending" of the hat, and Robbie as fishing trip "OVER" as the brother's headed back into port.So if you happen to be out & about in the San Jac. River, Port  Of  Houston area, and you stumble upon three men that resemble the "Stooge's" just fighting,and carrying on,stop on in and tell'em lil Ricky said "Hello"    
      later Chapter 3...

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