Chapter 3 "Hello World"
So, dear and avid reader's, friends, family,who have givin me the pleasure of keeping up with this story.
Have you had enough back ground?Just wait here comes the better part, so please allow me to for-go in the account of my illustrious birth.So here we are , the time has now flew, as so often does,the year now is 1977, where eight tracks were king, Carter is president, and regular gas is 0.67 cents per gallon, the average income is 15,000 dollars a year, witch WAY back then was a lot of money,and my Grand Father was raking it in, as he was making plus that,monthly,for by then he had several trucks, and business is booming, well construction aspect anyhow. Jackie,and Droopy were married,mom was now "with child", she was now, newly wed at 18,and he 19.Droopy,still employed,as is most of the immediate family, by Mr.C.They struggled in a modest enough home, just off Cedar Bayou , in Baytown Tx. just a hop skip & a jump from Pa's shop. In between the route, was Brown Wood Subdivision, that was made up of nice homes, overlooking the bay, with some wooded area's along the drive,where I'm told,mom and dad would sneak off and enjoy each other's company, while jamming out to the newest "Eagle's", or "Bob Seager"or maybe even a little Dr. Hook" 8 track,and yes , a little wacky tobacky,and thus,I am conceived.Shortly after the marriage of my cell donor's,there was another union worth note.My dad's brother,Robbie,and my mom's sister,Sandy were joined forever in the eye's of our Lord. "Forever"a term that in this generation, is to my opinion short lived, as to where the average marriage last's only a very short while, as "we" have become lazy,inconsiderate human beings.Just reach out and hit the SELF DESTRUCT button.We would rather just destroy that what we "promised",and instead of fixing our broken,tattered relationships' we simply give up, or start over, begin a "new", not yet finished with the first or give our-selves time to properly heal. So YES Sister's married Brother's.{A common occurrence in the south so I'm told}I have never heard of it since,maybe because it's frowned upon,I Dont' Know,But I do know that NO RED NECKS were harmed in the making of me !!lol Both couples were to my knowledge,happily married,and at Wimpy's birthday party, held this year at "El Toro's" on BayWay Dr.celebrating the big twelve.The whole family was gathered,on this twenty-third day of April,1978,moms' water breaks,thus at seven something in the afternoon,at Jefferson Davis Hospital, and I am tossed out into this great big and then wonderful world. I was born with all 20 digit's, an even ten on my hands, and five toe's on each of my feet.{in case you were wondering}
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