Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Greeting,& General Over-view...

    First Installment....
            {by the way,any grammatical error's are intentional,as to add the effect of my southern heritage}

 First, To all who have helped me reach this point,  no names shall be posted, or thrown out there, as you know who you are & what you've done & I sincerely thank you .Second,I will be posting on here daily continuing stories,updates' concerning my"Creative Meandering's" if you will, & I would hope to enlighten or inspire possibly amuse the masses.Third,If you happen to agree or disagree with the contents of this, all comments are welcome,although,YOU & Only YOU have the right to exit,& not to visit this blog again & I strongly encourage you do so, for the mind is a horrible thing to waste, so  go waste it elsewhere.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            " Mom & Co."                                    

       The year  is 1978....
The Bee Gee's are on the dance floors with "Saturday Night Fever".Your living-room is being invaded by the alien Robin Williams{Mork} on Mork & Mindy{nanoo,nanoo}The kiddo's were probably playing a board game Hungry,Hungry Hippo's,while eating their T.V. dinners.Mr Marlon Brando was paid 14 million{all too generous} dollars for his role as superman's father, for just 10 minutes of screen time.Stop right there dear friend and avid reader.We still at this time have starving,homeless children in our own country and yet we can pay 14 million dollars to an actor for ten minutes of  film?  FAIL !! Anyway,continue,please..The New York Yankees & Dallas Cowboys were champions in their right,as they are on top..again FAIL. In my{uneducated}opinion Our "celebrities" actor's,actress's,sports personalities are WAY OVER PAID for our entertainment.Shall we say focus on the real issues here, like feeding,clothing,sheltering our people?
And on the frightening & dark side of the moon{where I  reside}.....
Jim Jones convinced his "followers" to drink the grape Kool-Aid,killing 910 people,the "twinkie" defense made it's diabolical debut as Mr. White commits murder, and get's away with it,due to" Diminished Mental Capacity" as a direct result of ingesting those wonderful creme filled delights...??What The Fuck??
Last but not least the great late John Belushi's "National Lampoon's Animal House" quote"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily"must have been taken quite literally by my mother, for she married my father,and was "with child" from September '77 to April '78 when I was forced out into this pre-apocalyptic world of plugged in plastic living dead- fake ass existence  we now call "life"..Who of you have been out,perhaps to dinner, or the park,& was really all alone even tho you are surrounded by folks who are too busy with their machines' to enjoy what is truly our's to enjoy?? Had to pause for the latest update on the status of  {who gives a shit} Jo Shmo,or talking with some one is isn't even listening to "our" conversation? Really, unplug people, get out and enjoy life,for it may come at any moment to a sudden  end. For some reason Im' attached to{ in  opinion}the greatest American novelist of my time,very possibly  ALL time, Stephen King. My mom's copy of "The Shinning" was on our coffee table'as were many of his works were,as mom would read it to me as an "any-time story".For her effort, and his as well, this little piece of Americana  just wouldnt' be possible.......
 If you think this is one hell'uva way to start one's life, read on dear friend, and avid reader, read on.                                                                                                                                                                                            "Into The Middle Of Hell"      Chapter 1
   It was a cold stormy day,as the wind was rushing in from the north,typical for a mid winter Texas afternoon.The three tone grey primer Chevy truck grumbled it's way toward me through the coral of cars,as it did, my whole body quivered in agony from the unholy hatred I have developed for it's inhuman occupant.As it rattled even closer,one could see the gulf-coast cancer dancing it's way to the white stripe's that littered the coral for vehicles, all the while the beast of a vehicle struggled for a finer air-fuel ratio.Knowing my ass was done for, as only  the guilty party must all ways do, headed towards the gallows, yet another note from the principle's office,expelling me,for three days,once again, for fighting . I then noticed exactly how big this had become, for mom wasnt driving,"HE" was,as then the beast came to a stop,"Yep, Im the one whose gonna git your ass this time,right", he mouthed the words faster than his intoxicated mind could compute. "Yes sir" I spat out even faster, thus rudely cutting him off,as I chucked my Cowboys book bag into the back of his pride & joy rust bucket,wishing it would somehow  hinder it's ability to function,then adding"dont matter,cause mom's just gonna get me again,so whats your damn hurry?"While climbing into this my chamber of death,wiping the tears away from my face,I felt the sun break free of their prison as if for a moment, to give me a sudden burst of encouragement.If Id only known the tragic events that were to transpire later on in this ill fated day,I wouldve kept my 11 year old mouth shut, but momma was  from the south,and face it,southern women had somthing to say for about every occasion,so I kept 'em coming. Round the third or fourth one,"WHAP", right into the gaping hole  that was just before pouring them out.As the ballet of blood had begun to form a pool on the all ready disturbingly stained seat,I drug my sleeve across my gaping hole,smearing more than wiping the dancer's around,"My dad's gonna have YOUR ass for that one", then WHAP, WHAP WHAP!! He replied with his lil sinister grin"Your daddy and momma dont care  ,boy,and you aint saying shit,specially if your mouth's all fucked up,Hell tell 'em I did that too","I WILL ASSHOLE", was my response,as I swung first, perhaps as to catch him off his game,gain the edge and the fight was on before we even made it out of the Elementary school parking-lot.At about ten,ten thirty,the real shit starts to happen. Finally allowed  freedom from " my prison",the corner,as a part of my three phase punishment ,1:Buck-naked ass whipping, 2: first offender's class for 6 weeks, 3: the "prison" for 6 months,eat sleep,read was all I could do, while incarcerated & I was allowed to go to the bath room,when they thought I should go. If only parents cared as much as my mom, there would be a lot  more space for convicts in the prison system.Mom cracks opens their bedroom door yelling "Ricky lynn,get your scrawny ass in the fuckin bathroom,do the washer-dryer thing,get in the tub,and get your ass in the god-damned corner.""Yess Mamm" I cried making my way to the narrow confines of the hall, she starts off again " Im going to the store so you better not give "him" anymore trouble".Yesss Mamm, I wont" was my reply.Passing their room, the smaller of the two,for my sister,brother and I shared the bigger one,and their's only consists  of a California King size mattress,on the floor,and one very large,very suspect up-right tool box,craftsman as I distinctly recall,upon it was a shade-less lamp,which lit up the whole room.The bathroom, way small for a family of five,had a counter and sink on the right,washer dryer to the left, a little further in was the yellow toilet, all matching set,snugged between the counter and shower tub combo.As I started the do the perpetual cycle known as laundry ,I went ahead and started the water for my bath, I  dropped the pliers we used to turn the water on into their watery grave as they did, made a loud "kerplunk" sound as they fell,"You better not be playin around in there boy or Im coming in,this time with a belt !!" " Im not I swear momma" I began to plead.Then I heard the beast starting up, all was quiet for a while.Now I recall taking off my shirt,only after taking out a fresh pair of Scooby - doo's,and a tee shirt that I was to wear to bed,in my "prison".I noticed  the clothes were kinda damp,so I re-started the dryer,not all the way just a quarter, so as not to waste electricity like mom had said,and had began to remove my pants once again I might add, was naked except for my under wear.Now If you have a weak stomach just skip ahead to the next chapter,for its's kin of fuzzy but I'll do the best I can,!!YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!Kneeling over the tub to check the temp and level, I noticed something deranged out of the area of sight known as the peripheral,a man,tall and drugged out skinny, with panti-hose sheltered eyes,and smothered in dragon tat's head to toe,a horrific sight.I froze in fear for he I did not recognize, naked with the exception of the dragons' that  flew across his canvass.I then felt a smashing sensation  across my upper neck and jaw,as I flew up into the unknown,then down onto the counter,and came to rest upon the warm dryer.{remember,you were warned}Next he removed my Scooby-doo's by ripping them off  from behind, something all too familiar in  this my little fucked up reality I then called my life,and my Scoobies came to rest in  the still then running water of the tub.Still behind me insuring his control of my person,applies a rear naked choke hold{aptly named}as if to put me to sleep, only loosening up his vice to keep me conscious.Now I felt a rip deep in between my thighs that made me want to rid my body of it's dinner contents,as the next brief minutes can only be described as humiliating,and went by rather quickly.I do remember distinctly the dragon's  flexing and relaxing on his left arm as he forced himself deeper and harder,faster and faster bull dozing me against the unlevel warm dryer,making a ka plunk, ka plunk ka plunk  sound, faster,and harder,faster and harder and faster  until.....  

 Tomorrow ......  Chapter 2


  1. The bigger font is much better!

  2. Wish I could remember my password,i can add,edit whatever. Maybe since we set it it,you wrote it down?

  3. Wish I could remember my password,i can add,edit whatever. Maybe since we set it it,you wrote it down?
